Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Project

Method Lodge

Live Cabarete After the Currency Crash

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert have outed the Banksters and Murder Inc as well as calling out Lame Stream Media. So what can you do to get ready for the crash?  I have that plan, I live that plan!  I am the Premiere Kite and Paddle Boarding Coach. I write and publish books on how to Kite and Paddle Board, in these books we talk a lot about Ocean Culture and Life style...Ocean Sports life style works perfectly with recession... Fishing, Surfing and Kite Boarding take time but very little paper money and can be enjoyed for a lifetime. Ocean front property is very affordable now and always a great investment. Join me on the Kite Beach, Cabarete, Dominican Republic learn how to live after the crash. Please let me
Life After the Crash Life after the Currency Crash can be the best life of all says Author and Premiere Ocean Sports Coach, Maui John. We asked him why...
Q. How will life be better when paper money fails. A. Life on the beach will be better because riding surf and wind requires time and skill but paper money has very little to do with surfing wind and waves.
Q. So beach life will be better, but how about other places like New York and LA? A. Scary...I wouldn't want to be there!
Q. What should people who live there do? A. #1 Get a safe house or condo on a tropical beach. #2 Learn to fish, kite and paddle board #3 Relax and enjoy the ride!
Q. What are the draw backs? A. Traditionally the draw backs were the loss of time, ocean sports require a lot of time, not money. So people would spend hours catching waves or fish and return home to find that the hyper world was passing them by. Now the draw backs are positive. say you spend ten years surfing and kiting after the the time you pop your head up the recession is over...perfect!
Q. Can people who don't know anything about these sports live this lifestyle? A. Yeap...I coach every level of Paddle Boarding and Kite Boarding. We also sell ocean front condos on the Kite Beach, Cabarete, Dominican Republic.
Q. So people can buy a condo from you and learn to live the Ocean Lifestyle? A. Exactly, not only can they, but they should. Do it now while paper is still worth something!
Q. What about food? A. The best! Over 40 species of plants and trees live with in 100 meters of the beach...when I exit the water from a morning paddle board session, the first tree I come to is the Sea Grape (taste like grape Gatorade). The next tree I come to is the Coconut Tree...Coconut water is full of electrolytes, probably the finest beverage on this planet!
Diet (foods are listed in the order...closest to the water's edge first)
Ocean Side 1. Sea Grapes - These trees grow directly on the beach, they bear a small grape with a large seed. Sea grapes quench nicely. They are consider the Waterman's Grape Gatorade
2. Coconut The Coco is the Crown Jewel of Waterman Food. The meat is a great food as well as the base ingrediant for seasonings and candy. The water is the life blood of Watermen. Packed full of electrolites...excellant for re-hydrating. The husk is dried and jused for fire starter and the shell or nut has too many uses to list.
3. Sea Almond These trees also grow directly onn the beach. The leaves are used to make tea as well as great fire starter and compost. The Almond falls in a casing which is edible, then sun dried for 3 weeks. Each casing contains one nut.
The Above foods can all be gathered and eaten immediately upon exiting the water. In fact, A Waterman never passes from the ocean to the house with out picking and eating Sea Grapes and usually a Coconut as well.
Near Beach Foods. The following are easily gathered within 200 meters of the shore line.
4. Surfer's Tabacco 5. Lemon Grass 6. Noni 7. Sugar Cane 8. Mango 9. Banana 10. Passion Fruit 11. Papaya 12. Platanos 13. Orange 14. Lime
Lime: Is perhaps the most important in Waterman Culture. Lime is a  Staple 3 different ways. The Lime is used to: 1.  Disinfect both the inside and outside of the body. Ingesting lime with every meal will kill the "Tropical Stomach Funk TSF".  TSF will bring even the  strongest Waterman to his knees...A bit of Lime everyday will do wonders to kill the Stomach Funk. 2. Clean coral cuts and insect bites. The path to becoming a Waterman goes straight over sharp Coral Reefs. Veteran Waterman rarely brush the reef. They have done it far too many times and don't care to ever do it again. A small cut can easily led to loss of limb or life. A bit of lime on the bit or insect bit will help cure it. Put the lime directly on the cut, when the sting is gone, so is the infection...never worry about using too much wine. 3. Cook and disinfect fish. Ceviche is simply the process of putting lime on cut fish. When in doubt, wack it with lime.

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